

Mental well-being

Psycom Resources :

Psycom is a public information organization that aims to make mental health a daily concern for everyone.
Its missions:
  • Promote a global vision of good mental health for various audiences.
  • Provide reliable, accessible and independent information on mental disorders, care, treatment, social support, rights, etc
  • To decipher the stigmatization linked to the difficulties of psychic origin, and to develop tools to act against the discriminations of the concerned people.

EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Overview :

Reading: EMDR Therapy – EMDR France site

Video: France 2 report

Training :

EMDR: Link to the EFPE website


Transversal Interventions

First Aid Brochure :

Medico-Psychological Emergency Cells (PHEC) :

The medical-psychological emergency was set up in the aftermath of the attack of 25 July 1995 at the Saint-Michel RER station, to ensure the treatment of victims confronted with a psycho-traumatic event.

Link to the website of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health

National Resource and Resilience Centre (CN2R) :

Created since July 2019, the CN2R has formed a public interest group (GIP) between the State, the National School of Judiciary (ENM), the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the 2 pilot institutions (CHU de Lille and AP-HP).

Link to the Centre’s website

Humanitarian Response

Inter-agency Standing Commitee :

The Inter-Agency Forum of UN and non-UN humanitarian partners was founded in 1991 to strengthen humanitarian assistance. The overall objective of the IASC is to improve the delivery of humanitarian assistance to affected populations.

Link to the IASC website

IPC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergencies :

The UN Inter-Agency Standing Committee (ICC) brings together the main operational relief agencies of the UN, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, and international NGOs, and was created to improve the global response to disasters.

Link to the Centre’s website

Welcoming people exposed to war :


Consultancy et Training

The psychological well-being of individuals, a key issue in development policies (interview):

Link to the AFD website

Capitalization video of Handicap International on its Community Mental Health project in Rwanda, to which I had the pleasure to contribute.

Community mental health and psychosocial support:

In France: Publication following the Mayors’ Congress of November 2021: Brochure Mental Health in the City

In Lebanon: Project for vulnerable people: Link to the project


Mental well-being

Psycom Resources :

Psycom is a public information organization that aims to make mental health a daily concern for everyone.
Its missions:
  • Promote a global vision of good mental health for various audiences.
  • Provide reliable, accessible and independent information on mental disorders, care, treatment, social support, rights, etc
  • To decipher the stigmatization linked to the difficulties of psychic origin, and to develop tools to act against the discriminations of the concerned people.

EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Overview :

Reading: EMDR Therapy – EMDR France site

Video: France 2 report

Training :

EMDR: Link to the EFPE website


Transversal Interventions

First Aid Brochure :

Medico-Psychological Emergency Cells (PHEC) :

The medical-psychological emergency was set up in the aftermath of the attack of 25 July 1995 at the Saint-Michel RER station, to ensure the treatment of victims confronted with a psycho-traumatic event.

Link to the website of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health

National Resource and Resilience Centre (CN2R) :

Created since July 2019, the CN2R has formed a public interest group (GIP) between the State, the National School of Judiciary (ENM), the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the 2 pilot institutions (CHU de Lille and AP-HP).

Link to the Centre’s website

Humanitarian Response

Inter-agency Standing Commitee :

The Inter-Agency Forum of UN and non-UN humanitarian partners was founded in 1991 to strengthen humanitarian assistance. The overall objective of the IASC is to improve the delivery of humanitarian assistance to affected populations.

Link to the IASC website

IPC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergencies :

The UN Inter-Agency Standing Committee (ICC) brings together the main operational relief agencies of the UN, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, and international NGOs, and was created to improve the global response to disasters.

Link to the Centre’s website

Welcoming people exposed to war :


Consultancy et Training

The psychological well-being of individuals, a key issue in development policies (interview):

Link to the AFD website

Capitalization video of Handicap International on its Community Mental Health project in Rwanda, to which I had the pleasure to contribute.

Community mental health and psychosocial support:

In France: Publication following the Mayors’ Congress of November 2021: Brochure Mental Health in the City

In Lebanon: Project for vulnerable people: Link to the project